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The Awakening: A Witch-Vampire Romance: Feel the Heat. Page 6

  “I know you will, Ella girl,” he says, walking with me to the house. “I have my cell on so you can still get in touch with me anytime if you need to tonight. And I’ve left the extra house key along with some cash on the kitchen counter for you. But I need to get going or I’m going to be late. So come over here and give me another hug.”

  I reach up and hug him tightly. I am seriously thankful for what little family I have left.

  Jessa pushes herself into our little goodbye. “Don’t worry, Mr. Dan, I’ll take good care of your little blackbird. She has a lot of people that care about her. She is going to be just fine with you and I looking after her, I promise,” she finishes her little speech with what I and Devon call the parental melter, her sweetest, most simpering smile. When she pulls that face, she really does look like a cherub.

  Uncle Dan seems to buy it, because he tosses his car keys into the air and starts down the drive to his car. We follow him out and pick up the rest of our bags, moving them out of his way. He climbs into the driver’s seat and waves as he drives away.

  “Come on chica, we have a date to get you ready for. A sex kitten isn’t born out of nothing. One must be made,” she calls over her shoulder.

  I just roll my eyes, grab the rest of my loot, and follow her into my house. I am dreading the next hour or so while she tortures me with her form of fashion.

  Chapter 5.

  Jessa decides it is time for me to get all beautified and we are running seriously late. “Com-mon, Ells, let’s get a move on! We have only an hour until Your Hotness gets here!” She basically shoves me into the shower and commands that I scrub, buff, and shave.

  Once I am out, she sits me in front of the mirror and starts to spackle my face. She won’t let me see what she is doing, probably because she knows I will veto anything that she tries. Let’s face it, I think, I’m more of a tom girl than a glamazon like Jessa. After she finishes my face and has only poked me in the eye about a million times, she starts in on my hair.

  “Oh hell no! You are not getting anywhere near me with that curling iron. It is either leave it straight or pull it up. You know my hair doesn’t hold a curl for shit.”

  “Fine, Ells. Let’s do it your way.” She blows my hair straight, then orders me to get dressed. I still can’t believe that I let her talk me into the outfit we’d bought. I pull on the tight leather mini that she made me buy. She pairs the skirt with a jade green, filmy, strapless top with a low back. It hugs what assets I do have. Point for Jessa. The only thing we really fight over are the shoes. I’m a chucks girl through and through, but she picks six-inch, black glitter platform booties. They work well with the overall look, but I am going to end up killing myself in these things.

  Once I am dressed, Jessa turns me to look at the standing mirror. My jaw about hits the floor, I am stunning. More than stunning, actually I am smoking fuckin hot!

  “I knew you were going to kill in this, Ella. Mr. Tight-ass is going to flip! In a totally good way of course,” she says, giggling to herself, but I can’t help but agree with her. If he doesn’t think something good about the way that I look, then the boy is blind.

  “Jessa,” I say, looking at my face in the mirror, “I actually like the makeup. Thanks, girl! You went for subtle, I’m seriously surprised!”

  She’d gone with a thin black liner, nude shadow that really makes my eyes pop, and blush pink lip gloss. The only thing she’d really pumped up was the mascara. I look like I am wearing falsies. I look like me, but just more polished. My bestie is most def a genius at this stuff.

  “Jessa…” I begin, taking a deep breath. “Just wow! No wonder you want to do this kind of stuff for a living after high school!” I turn to her in wonder.

  Jessa smiles and hugs herself. I can tell she is really proud. I grab my new black clutch off the dresser just as the doorbell rings. Now I am really nervous. What if he doesn’t like me when he really gets to know me? I am just now getting to know the real me! I’ve been repressing myself for so long because of how I was raised. Ugh. Let’s do this! I say to myself.

  Jessa goes down the stairs first to open the door, reminding me not to come down for at least five minutes, so I can make an entrance. I can hear voices in the front hall, so I start to descend the staircase. When I lock eyes with Jaxx, he looks completely stunned. He meets me at the bottom step and takes both of my hands in his. He gives me the once over and smiles into my eyes.

  “Little raven, you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen,” he says, enamored.

  If this isn’t a blush worthy moment, I don’t know what is. I look behind me to wave goodbye to Jessa, whose smile is so wide I can see every one of her teeth. Jaxx takes my hand, leading me to his shiny Porsche. Once we are inside, he lets out a puff of breath.

  “What,” I ask.

  “I have got to say, I was really nervous picking you up from your uncle’s house. He didn’t seem to like me at all the other night.”

  “That’s not it at all. I think he was just nervous. He doesn’t have any kids of his own.” I smile to reassure him.

  “Well we’d better get going. I have a table waiting,” he says with a grin.


  “Sedona’s. I took a chance…I hope that you like the place.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Isn’t it a bit short notice to get a table there? That place is always packed full,” I say, feeling just a little bit amazed.

  “Don’t worry pretty eyes. I have my ways.” He smiles my way.

  “I love Sedona’s.” I smirk at him, trying to look sexy. Hopefully not humiliating myself in the process, I think.

  Jaxx drives to the restaurant way above the speed limit, never using his turn signal, and never slowing for other traffic. When he speaks to me he turns so that he can meet my eyes every time. When an old beater of a truck almost hits us, he takes the last turn toward the restaurant. I giggle and he grins at me.


  “You’re as reckless as Jessa is when she drives,” I say and he frowns. I smile, reassuring him. “Don’t worry, I’m used to it. It’s not a bad thing honestly. I’m used to it.”

  “Fair enough,” he replies, leaving his seat to open my door for me. He hands the valet his keys and escorts me into the restaurant.

  We are seated right away at a table near a large bay window. Even though I know Jaxx likes the way I looks, I feel out of place with the way the rest of the patrons are looking at me. They are all older and dressed a lot more conservatively.

  We order, and Jaxx closes his menu, telling the waiter, “And bring us a bottle of your best house wine.”

  “Yes, sir,” the waiter says without even batting an eye as he takes our menus.

  “This place is unbelievable,” I whisper, leaning across the table.

  “Thanks, I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “Wait. What do you mean? Does your family own this place?”

  “No,” he says with a twinkle in his eye. “I own this place…” He seems to catch himself for some reason and follows with… “My uncle currently runs it since I’m still in school.” He reaches across the table and takes my hand.

  When our hands connect, the light show begins again. I am startled and quickly try to remove my hand, but he won’t let go. I raise my eyes to his, questioning.

  “Relax, Ella. No one can see it but us. I promise,” he says with a grin.

  Now he is just confusing me. “You can see it too? I don’t understand.”

  Serious confusion here!

  “Ella, you have to know that we are different. I just assumed you knew since you’re wearing your family’s talisman.” He nods at my neck.

  I reach up to touch my necklace. “I was adopted, Jaxx. I don’t know who my real family is. The family I have always known just kicked me out of their lives yesterday.”

  “Shit! I should have known it was something like that. You looked so surprised when we shook hands in the Caf the other day. I just never would have
guessed that you were raised by Norms.”

  “Norms? What does that even mean? How am I different,” I ask him.

  The waiter returns to our table with our food and my line of questioning is cut off.

  “Just relax, Ella. I’ll explain everything when we have more privacy,” he assures me. “This isn’t the place for this conversation. I know you have questions, I can see them swirling in your eyes. Just take a breath. Have patience and let’s enjoy our meal,” he suggests.

  We talk endlessly about our interests during the meal and I realize that we have a lot in common, but the weight of what was just sprung on me is causing a giant knot to form in my stomach. Jaxx is charming, funny, and says all the right things as he tries to keep my mind from wandering past the present.

  Various people approach our table to greet him and he always proudly introduces me with a smile. When we leave the restaurant I feel all eyes on us. He is like a celebrity. Everyone wants his attention, asking his opinion on things. When we get to the door he hands the ticket to the valet.

  “Okay, Ella, just a few more minutes. We’ll go back to my place and I’ll tell you all that I know. I promise I will answer as many of your questions as I can.”

  I let out a huge breath at this and start to relax for the first time since we arrived at the restaurant. He drives to his house which is quite a ways outside of town.

  “Your home is gorgeous,” I say as we pull into his drive. “Are your parents at home?” I am worried about meeting his parents on top of everything else.

  He pulls the car around in front of the house and stops. “No. This is my home. My parents passed many years ago.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I had no idea,” I say softly and then stay silent for a long moment, just sitting in the plush leather seat. I turn to look at him and he seems to be lost in thought. “Jaxx, really, I’m sorry. I spoke without thinking. I just didn’t know what to say.”

  “Like I said, Ella, it was a very long time ago. I barely even remember them anymore.”

  We get out of the car and head for the front door. Jaxx disables the security system. “The code is 06202002. I’ll write it down for you later. I want you to feel safe here. If you ever need a place to go, you can come here. Anytime, Ella, I mean it.”

  I just stay mute as we walk in the front entryway. It is vast and opulent. That’s the only way I can explain it. All marble floors and white statues.

  “Don’t feel out of place here, Ella. I didn’t decorate it. It has been in my family for ages. It’s a little much for my tastes also.”

  I giggle at that. I can’t picture him comfortable in this place, in his biker boots and worn tees. He leads me up the main staircase to his room on the second floor and the décor there is completely different. It has hardwood flooring, dark grey walls, and various band posters framed and mounted on the walls. “I can see you here.”

  He turns and looks at me with a puzzled expression. “What do you mean?”

  “I just mean this area of the house seems more like you. Comfortable, but with an edge. I don’t know what I’m saying. It’s just a guess. I’m going to be quiet now before I stuff my foot in it again.”

  “No you’re right. You are much more intuitive than you would have yourself believe. It must be one of your gifts, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

  “Okay…” I looked at him with so many questions running through my head that I don’t even know where to begin.

  “Okay why don’t we start with this? You tell me where you got your talisman. How you came to be adopted, then I’ll fill you in on everything else. And, Ella,” he says with a grin. “There is a lot of else. So keep an open mind and open your heart. No matter what I tell you. Please don’t be scared or try and run.”

  I sit in the nearest chair and try to process what he just said. It closely resembles what is written in my mother’s letter. I take a calming breath and begin to tell him my story.

  “I was dropped off outside my Uncle Dan’s door when I was three months old. It would have been November. I was wrapped in a pink blanket and I had a letter and my necklace tucked inside the blanket I was wrapped in. My uncle was barely eighteen at the time and he couldn’t keep me or care for me himself, but his sister was older and already married to a respected man in the community. So he took me to her and they adopted me. I grew up in a household where you didn’t speak unless you were spoken to. When I was three years old my adopted parents took me to a Catholic Priest claiming I had a demon inhabiting me because my eyes glittered when I got upset. The Priest laughed at them after he met me. When I was younger and I got upset, my eyes would glitter and glow. I actually remember that, I also remember that things would rattle and move when I was throwing a tantrum over not getting my way,” I pause, wondering how to continue.

  Jaxx waits patiently. With a smile he takes my hand. “Go on,” he encourages me.

  I nod and swallow hard. “I was verbally and physically abused growing up,” I say tightly. “They called it beating the demons out of me. I was told I was a damned soul and only pain would cleanse it.” I look up into Jaxx’s eyes which are filled with compassion. “That went on until I turned eighteen, a few weeks ago. Then I was legally old enough to leave and they didn’t want that. They wanted everyone outside our home to think that we had the perfect family,” I finish, staring at my lap. I am afraid to look at him again, afraid I will see disgust on his face, disgust for me. But when I finally look at him, he has tears streaming down his cheeks. There is something else in his eyes, something I can’t quite explain, anger, maybe, but something more too.

  “How did…why did you leave,” he asks softly.

  “Last night, when you found me sitting alone after dark,” I start and he nods, remembering. “My mother had just kicked me out of the house because Sabrina had called her and told her I was doing vile things with someone in the Caf. She slapped me and threw me out. After you left, my Uncle took me back to get some of my things…” I stop, feeling the tears stinging my eyes. “She was burning them all in the backyard, Jaxx.” I finally break down and start sobbing.

  Jaxx moves quickly and pulls me into his arms.

  “This is not your fault Ella. Norms are afraid of things they can’t understand. They react cruelly. That’s on them. Not you, never you, sweet girl.” He continues to rock me and whisper sweet things into my hair until I calm myself down.

  “I’m good now. You can let go. I promise not to break down again. I hate crying. I never cry in front of anyone. Ever.”

  “Never be afraid to show yourself to me, little raven. You can always be honest with me, in all ways,” he says softly.

  I look at him. I mean, I really look at him and read the truth of his words in his eyes. “Can you tell me what is going on now? I would really like to know that I’m not going crazy. And I’d like to know why I have always felt out of place with everyone around me.” I settle more into his arms.

  “This isn’t going to be easy to understand, Ella. You weren’t raised in this world, my world. There have always been our people in this world. We stay hidden because we are different from others. We stay hidden because, as you already understand, when people don’t understand something, they lash out and are most likely cruel to those who aren’t like them.” Jaxx shifts us over to the couch and snuggles me into his arms. “We are true magic users. Most would call us Wiccans or witches, but we don’t need spells or incantations to work our magic. We just will it and if it’s within our personal gifts it will be. We have been around since the beginning of mankind. Once, a very long time ago, we were respected for our talents. We were seers, healers, and great warriors, but there are always those who hate. Who hunt us out of fear and jealousy. When one of our young was born she or he was given a talisman to guide and protect them.” Jaxx pulls a thick silver rope chain out from under his shirt. It has a large moonstone hanging from it. Wrapped around the moonstone is a thin rope of jade. “The seers in our clans make the talismans to guid
e us to adulthood. They also have a calming effect on us. It helps us control our gifts early on. We are also long lived. It takes a lot to kill us once we reach maturity.”

  “If our young are so important that we are gifted with our own talismans to guide and protect us, why was I thrown away like yesterday’s trash,” I ask, feeling on the verge of tears again.

  What was so wrong with me that my own mother didn’t want me?

  “I just don’t know, little raven. I wish I could give you all that you seek, but that isn’t my gift.”

  “What is your gift, Jaxx? If you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I draw my strength from moonlight. I am faster and stronger than most, I can read the true intent of others, I can make myself mist when the moon is full, and I was put on this earth to protect and love my soul mate.”

  I start to pull out of his arms at that. “Your soul mate? Why are you holding me, if you have a soul mate out there waiting for you somewhere? I don’t want to start anything that we won’t be able to finish, Jaxx.”

  Jaxx leans down and looks deeply into my eyes. “Open your heart. Open your soul, little raven. Tell me what you see in my eyes.”

  I take a deep breath and open myself up to everything around me. I block everything out but him. His almost white eyes with just a hint of blue, eyes of ice, and I see it. I see the truth of what he is trying to tell me. He is mine, as I am his.

  “We were born for each other, Ella. I have searched centuries for you. But I want to go slow with this. We might have been born for each other, but I want you to be comfortable with us.

  I shake my head, letting him know that I understand. Then I ask a question that is swirling around inside my mind.

  “Is that why it’s a light show whenever we touch?”

  “Yes, when our kind meets his or her other half, there are signs, such as the glow when our skin touches. It can, at times, be painful to be without the other, and reading each other’s feelings.”

  I sit in silence, just absorbing everything that I have learned. I believe him. I know that I would feel it if he were lying to me, but my thoughts are a whirl of wonder. I am special. I’m not trash, as I had been raised to believe. I belong to someone and he belongs to me. I have a home. I look up at Jaxx and smile into his eyes.