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The Awakening: A Witch-Vampire Romance: Feel the Heat. Page 7

  “Thank you, Jaxx. Thank you for everything.”

  “There is no need to thank me for anything, little raven. I’m always here for you. For anything at all. Now, let’s take a walk on the grounds. There is a full moon tonight and I want to show you some of our world’s splendor.”

  He takes me by the hand and opens a floor-to-ceiling window. I look at him like he is crazy. We are on the second floor and I’m not demented enough to want to become a pancake anytime soon. Jaxx steps onto the window sill and holds out his hand.

  “Trust me. Take my hand and believe.”

  I take his hand and climb onto the window sill to stand next to him. Before I can freak myself out and look down, I start to feel like I am floating. I am lighter than air. I can see nothing but swirls of grays, whites, and the lightest of blues. Moments later I am back on my own two feet, firmly planted in the dewing grass. I look at him in awe.

  “What was that? I felt all floaty, then we were on the ground again!”

  “That’s walking on moonlight, turning into the mists of the night,” he says with a grin. “I can take someone with me if I’m touching them or if they are close enough to me. Come, there is much to show you.”

  We stroll hand in hand through the vast grounds of his estate. The back of the house looks huge. It is a beautiful Colonial Manor speaking of times past. We speak of many things, never straying far from one another as I explore.

  “Jaxx,” I say suddenly as something he’d mentioned earlier comes to mind.

  “If you are so old, why are you enrolled in my high school?”

  He chuckles at my question. It is one of many I have asked him tonight.

  “I couldn’t come up with any other way to get close to you. I had to know you, Ella. I am drawn to you. I’ve always known my other half was out there, that I just had to wait and be patient. When I first saw you sitting in that church, you looked so lost. So alone. Then something I did sparked something within you and you burned.” He laughs, probably remembering me flipping him the bird in a House of God.

  I smile, remembering it as well.

  “What do you think my powers will become?”

  “I don’t know,” he replies, wrapping me in his arms. We just stand there and rock back and forth in the moonlight.

  “But if I had to guess, I would say telekinesis, clairvoyance, and probably empathy. From what I have seen from watching you and, trust me, I have watched for a while. You have always been so kind to others, empathizing with even the worst type of person, going out of your way to put others first, always.”

  I smile, thinking I am okay with those gifts.

  “We can get through anything together, Ella. You need not worry.”

  I just nod.

  “I would like to look for my birth mother when I’m more settled into myself,” I say softly.

  “I think that’s a great idea. I’m sure you have many more questions that she can answer that I can’t.”

  I yawn. I am completely wiped from the roller coaster of the night. Up and down, in and out. My mind is starting to shut itself down without my permission.

  “Let’s get you to bed, little one,” he says with a smile.

  “I’m not that little you know,” I say indignantly. “I’m quite tall for a woman.”

  “But you are little compared to me. Are you not?”

  I look at him holding me in his arms and yes, I have to agree he is massive. “Whatev,” I say with a laugh.

  “I’m tired, but I don’t want to go home yet.”

  “You can stay here with me. This is your home now also.”

  I don’t know how I feel about that, but I am too tired to even really focus on what he is saying.

  “I have to call my uncle,” I mumble tiredly. Then I get my second wind when I remember the letter that my uncle gave me earlier today.

  “Jaxx,” I call out his name excitedly.

  “In the letter that was left for me, my mother said I was a twin,” I yawn hugely, again. “A soul twin was what she called it. What does that mean, a soul twin?”

  “We will talk about it in the morning, little raven. You are too tired to even remember if I were to tell you what I knew.”

  “Call Jessa,” I tell him. “Tell her to call my uncle. She will know what to say,” I mumble tiredly.

  My eyes start to close as I snuggle deeper into Jaxx’s arms. I feel all floaty again and the next thing I know my head is hitting a very soft pillow and Jaxx is whispering sweet things in my ear. I fall asleep with a smile on my face and dream of ice blue eyes.

  Chapter 6.

  The sun shining through the cracks in the curtains wakes me. The first thing I notice is that my head is lying on something rock hard, it is thumping in my ear, and there is something heavy thrown over my hip. I freeze, trying to remember where exactly I am. I remember my date with Jaxx. Something shifts underneath me.

  “Good morning, pretty eyes.”

  “Holy shit! How did I get in your bed,” I shout.

  Jaxx chuckles at that.

  “Ella, calm down. You passed out on me while you were still standing last night. So I tucked you in. Plus, I wanted to hold you in my arms.”

  I blush at that. I haven’t even had my first kiss and here I am sleeping in a guy’s bed. Ugh. I bet I look like a hot mess.

  “You look enchanting when you sleep. Relax babe, everything is going to be fine. Let’s get you up and showered and I’ll make us breakfast. We need to get you home soon so you aren’t late for school.”

  Jaxx leaves the bed and I assume he is heading for the kitchen.

  I get up and hunt down the first bathroom I come to and find an unopened toothbrush. After scrubbing my teeth I take the quickest shower known to man. I find Jaxx in the kitchen already showered and making toast and jam with glasses of OJ. “This looks good.”

  “Yeah, I’m not much of a cook so this is the best I could do.”

  We sit down at the kitchen bar and I start devouring my toast. I guess I am hungrier than I thought.

  “Jaxx, when are you going to finish explaining everything to me? I have so many questions. You said that most of our kind have had guidance since they were born. I feel like I’m playing catch up and I don’t even know the rules.”

  “Ella, relax. Take a deep breath. We have all the time in the world. We have each other and eventually you will know all that I do and more. I was thinking that maybe you would like to meet my uncle after school today. He is kind of a historian for our people. He keeps our histories. You can ask him all the questions you want. I can promise you he will be excited to meet you. I swear he missed his calling to teach.”

  I chuckle at that.

  “What’s your uncle like? I feel like I know so much about you, but then again I know nothing at all. I’m really out of my depth here.”

  “I promise this afternoon all your questions will be answered. Now we have to book so I can get you home. Do you want me to drive you to school?”

  “Naw, I bought some new transportation yesterday. I can’t wait to drive it.”

  We get up from the table and Jaxx takes our plates and glasses to the sink. I grab my purse off of the kitchen counter and we are out the door in a hurry. Sheesh, I hate being late. I think. When we get to my uncle’s house, I reach over the console and give Jaxx a quick peck on the cheek, which earns me a smile.

  “What was that for?”

  “Just for being you.” I smile at him before I throw myself out the car door.

  I can’t help but run up the walk and through the front door.

  I call a loud hello to Dan just in case he hasn’t left for work yet. But I get no reply so I quickly make my way up the stairs to my room to search for something to wear for the day. Pants. Yes, pants since I am riding my new baby this morning. I look around for the shopping bags that I’d dropped on the floor the night before but they are nowhere to be seen. I turn to my closet and see that all of my new things are hanging there with a note attached t
o one of my new shirts.

  You better love my ass, beyotch!

  Yes, Yes I do, I think with a grin.

  I quickly dig through my closet and find some new leather leggings, a Kelly green tunic top that hangs off one shoulder and a silver chain belt. I pair them with a pair of biker boots that come up to my knees, have a four-inch heel, and buckles running the length of them. I love these boots. Today is a new day. A new me. No more hiding. If someone doesn’t like it, fuck ‘em all. That’s my new motto. I don’t need to try and be normal anymore. Because I’m not, not even close. I am abnormal and damn it, I am going to rock it!

  I run a brush through my hair a few times to make sure it is tame. I had never bothered with much makeup before since it wasn’t allowed in my parentals home. So today I decide to go all out. A nice smoky eye, some bronzer on my cheeks, and some slut-red lips and I am ready. On my way out the door, I grab my new leather riding jacket and helmet and head for the garage to greet my precious. Yes, I know. I’m annoying with all the pet names for my Harley, but I have wanted this thing of beauty for what seems like forever.

  I walk over to it, swung my leg over the seat, and kick the stand loose. I start the engine and it rumbles to life. Yes, it is a thing of beauty. And it rides like a dream. The looks on the faces of everyone I know when I pull into the school lot are priceless, even Jaxx is transfixed. Jessa just looks smug. I park my Harley beside Jaxx’s car and swing my leg free. Before I can even get my helmet off my head, he is there, pulling me free of it.

  “So this is your new ride, huh? I have to tell you, it’s super fucking hot!”

  He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close for a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead. I look over his shoulder and see Jessa and Devon walking over to us. I pull out of Jaxx’s arms just in time for Devon to tackle me.

  “WTF, Bitch? You buy an industrial vibrator and don’t tell me?”

  I just chuckle because my friends are always saying something crass. Jaxx’s cheeks are a little pink though. I wonder what is going through his pretty head.

  “I just bought it yesterday, I would have called you, but I figured you were still on lockdown because of the packages from Sabrina.”

  “Yeah that cunt has been spewing shit all morning. Enough about her. Look at you! What happened to my meek little kitten? You look like sex on a stick,” he caws out loudly and his voice carries.

  “I decided to shed my old skin. There isn’t any reason to pretend anymore. So why try?” Jaxx wraps his arms around me from behind. Jessa is practically jumping up and down with something to say.

  “Okay Jessa what is it,” I ask with feigned impatience. I could never really get tired of her constant enthusiasm.

  “Sabrina has been telling everyone that will listen that she got into Jaxx’s pants last night,” she blurts out like it had been fighting to get out of her mouth all morning.

  I feel Jaxx stiffen at that news. I just shrug and snuggle back into his embrace. I know where he’d been all night. I don’t have anything to worry about, so I just grin.

  “Okay. Why aren’t you foaming at the mouth,” Devon asks.

  I shrug again.

  “I know where Jaxx was all night last night.” Oh shit. That came out wrong.

  I’m pretty sure I resemble a tomato now. I can feel Jaxx chuckling behind me while my besties stare at me blankly.

  “Okay that came out wrong. We just slept. I was tired,” I tell them breathlessly from embarrassment.

  With that, I turn and grab Jaxx’s hand firmly within mine and start heading toward the front doors of the school. As we pass the last line of cars in the lot, I notice Sabrina surrounded by her usual fembots and she is shooting me one hell of an evil eye. I just smirk at her and walk on.

  When we get to our locker, I turn to tell Jaxx that I will see him in English Lit and start to dig through my open locker for my book. All of a sudden I am shoved head-first into my locker from behind. I turn and see Sabrina standing there, smiling sweetly at me.

  “Sorry, hun. You know how clumsy you are,” she giggles. “Ella, I always knew you were pathetic, but taking up with my leftovers only the morning after is a new low for even a bottom feeder like you.”

  Snide bitch!

  I lean in close to her and look her in the eyes and let her see just how pissed I am, but I keep my face carefully blank. I whisper my words so only she can hear.

  “Sabrina, I know exactly where Jaxx was last night. He was in his bed with me. And if you ever touch me again, I will personally make sure you won’t be walking up-right for the rest of your retched life. Get me, Hun?” She looks scared for a split second before she starts laughing really loud and saunters away with her clones trailing behind.

  “Ells, did you have a lobotomy? What was that?”

  “Devon, I’m tired. Just so fucking tired of her shit. I can’t stand to play her victim. I already told Jessa, I’m done taking everyone’s shit.”

  “Chill, baby girl, I get you!”

  Devon reaches over, hugs me, grabs his Lit book and trots down the hallway to our first class of the day. He really is pretty for a guy. Everywhere he goes eyes follow him. From both sexes. It is hard to believe he is perpetually single.

  “Whew! What a way to start a day, but serious props, bitch. I couldn’t have done that better,” Jessa says as she high-fives me.

  I just shake my head, feeling really exhausted all of a sudden. Jaxx suddenly pulls me to him from behind and I feel a jolt of energy swarm me from his touch.

  “Heard your conversation with Sabrina,” he whispers. “Proud of you, pretty eyes.”

  I look over my shoulder and smile at him. We link hands and make our way to class. I don’t feel so tired anymore. I wonder if that is what he meant when he said it would be difficult for us to be away from each other. Just another question for me to add to my growing list.

  English, and the rest of my morning classes, rush by like fast-moving water. When I’m not with Jaxx I feel sluggish and when I am with him I feel like I am hopped up on a crazy caffeine high. There has to be a happy medium somewhere in there. When I get to the Caf, everyone is already at our table talking smack and gossiping. Main topic is my response to Sabrina’s attack earlier this morning, of course. Jaxx is sitting over to the side, looking a little pale. Well, paler than what he already was, which is saying a lot. I guess the separation has been hitting him too.

  I sit down next to him, feeling too sluggish to even have an appetite. I lean my head on his shoulder and wish I could just sleep right here.

  He turns to look at me and his eyes widen.

  “You are drained, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” I tell him in a quiet voice.

  “I would assume that’s it’s because we have been separated all day. But I just don’t know. I haven’t ever been through this before. We will have to ask my uncle as soon as school’s out.”

  Our conversation is completely private since everyone at our table is still yakking about what Sabrina will do next to get at me. “I don’t know if I told you this morning, but you look really stunning today, little raven,” he says, caressing my cheek.

  “I have to. I have to keep up with your gorgeous bum,” I smile.

  I close my eyes and leaned in to brush my lips across his. When our lips touch, I feel a jolt of energy that runs the length of my body. Lights, the color of jade mixed with moonlight, explode behind my eyes. I pull back in astonishment to look into Jaxx’s eyes and see that he is just as stunned as I am.

  “Is that normal,” I whisper in awe.

  “I wouldn’t know, pretty eyes. Our kind stays celibate until we find the one that completes us,” he whispers softly.

  We are both jolted out of our private bubble as the bell rings to signal the end of lunch. I start to sulk because we are going to be going our separate ways again.

  “We are going to have to find a way to deal with this. It hurts to be away from you,” I say as
I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tight. He pulls me into his massive chest, holding me just as tightly as I hold him.

  MMMM! I don’t think I will ever get over how lucky I am, I think.

  “We’ll figure it out. My uncle will know what to do. I promise we can make this work.” He looks at me with all of the confidence in the world in his eyes.

  We get up from the table and follow my friends out the door. As we separate to go to our different lockers, I detour to the restroom. After I take care of business, I cross to the sink to wash my hands. I jump when the bathroom door is thrown open so hard that it bangs into the wall, and I look up to see Sabrina walking in alone for once and she looks furious.

  “Aww, if it isn’t the little bird. And all alone, too. I bet you aren’t so tough when you don’t have your band of freaks with you,” Sabrina sneers as she saunters up to me.

  I try to ignore her and finish washing my hands because I am already feeling the drain of being away from Jaxx. I just don’t have the energy to deal with her. As I reach for a paper towel to dry my hands, she grabs me by the back of my head and clenches her hand in my hair. The next thing I know my head is heading toward the sink.

  My forehead makes contact with the rim of the sink, and I see stars and black out for a moment. When I come to, my vision is graying around the edges.

  “I warned you, bitch! No one takes what’s mine and gets away with it,” she is all but screeching.

  Since I am still doubled over, holding onto the sink, trying not to fall over, it makes me an easy target for her to shove her knee into my stomach. When her knee impacts I slip to the floor and lay there dazed.

  What the fuck just happened?

  I feel a surge of anger, so black and deep, that I can’t control it. I feel myself flowing to my feet, as if I am another person standing up. The black void that is swirling inside me continues to grow. Mirrors start shattering and someone screams as glass explodes outward. I just stare and can’t comprehend what is happening. The stall doors start to slam on their own, the sinks start to rattle, and glass from the broken mirror is swirling around me like a sphere of refracting light. I hear screaming, but it doesn’t register until I look down and see Sabrina on the floor with blood streaming down her arms and legs. The broken glass from the mirrors had cut her as they’d imploded outward. It had all taken place in a matter of seconds. As fast as the surge came on, it is over. I slump to the ground, not far from where Sabrina is struggling to get to her feet.